Quoted companies to be required to report on gender split across organisation

The Government has issued a consultation on the requirement from 1 October 2013 for quoted companies to produce a "strategic report", which will have to include details of the number of men and women on their board, in senior executive positions and in the organisation as a whole. 

The consultation sets out the draft Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors' Report) Regulations 2013, which will implement some of the proposals in the Government's previous consultations on the future of narrative reporting. 

The Regulations, which are expected to come into force on 1 October 2013, will require quoted companies to produce a "strategic report", with the abolition of the business review required by the Companies Act 2006, which currently forms part of the directors' report. 

Quoted companies (those incorporated in the UK and listed on certain UK, EU or US markets) will be required to report, to the extent necessary for an understanding of the business, on their strategy, their business model, and any human rights issues. Quoted companies will also be asked to report on the number of men and women on their board, in executive committees and in the organisation as a whole. 

The closing date for responses to the consultation is 15 November 2012. 


Government consults on company reporting and executive pay Read the Government's previous proposals to reform the reporting requirements for companies to provide information for investors on performance and pay.