Policies and procedures

Model policies and procedures to help you create and maintain legally compliant documentation for your organisation.

Within this resource:

  • Each model document comes with notes and guidance on how and when it should be used.
  • Warning is provided of relevant future developments, including forthcoming legislation.

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New and updated

Model policies: the complete list

We provide an unparalleled selection of model policies to help you create and maintain a staff handbook for your organisation.

You said it...

Without the use of XpertHR, it would have cost us a lot of money in terms of needing to source legal assistance to ensure that the policies are legally binding and fully up to date.

Rebecca Lomas, HR administrator, Nielsen UK


Policy of the week

Zeba Sayed Many employees are now used to permanent homeworking arrangements and are experiencing better job satisfaction and work-life balance as a result. A clear and concise Permanent homeworking policy can help set expectations around the practical arrangements for permanent homeworkers and the employer's responsibilities with regards to the health and safety and wellbeing of employees working from home.

Zeba Sayed, Senior Employment Law & Compliance Editor