Where to find pay review resources on XpertHR

We have made some improvements to the pages that house XpertHR pay statistics.

Use the table below to help you find the information that you need. If you have any questions or would like to suggest improvements, please contact Sheila Attwood, pay and benefits editor, XpertHR. 


On this page:
Pay awards
Economic indicators
Pay benchmarking.

What are you looking for?

Where to find it


Commentary on recent pay trends

The monthly pay trends article presents the latest pay settlement statistics and commentary from XpertHR. This includes all the latest statistics, analysis by sector, plus a review of the state of play of major pay deals. You can now download the pay settlement statistics behind the charts in Microsoft Excel format using the button below each chart.

Detailed statistics on pay awards

Previously, we published a very detailed page of pay statistics each month called the IRS pay databank page. These statistics have now been incorporated into interactive charts in our monthly pay trends article. Click the "Download in Excel" button under each chart to view or download detailed statistics for the whole economy or for the public, private, manufacturing and services sectors.

Headline statistics on pay awards

For quick reference, the XpertHR economic indicators section provides all the essential headline statistics on pay awards, from XpertHR and others.

Pay statistics from EEF and LRD

We report the headlines from other pay analysts in the XpertHR economic indicators section.

Recent pay awards by sector

The pay awards page contains details of many of the pay awards entered on to the XpertHR pay databank over recent weeks. We have added a new feature enabling you to view all pay awards by sector published by XpertHR since January 2010.

A guide to XpertHR pay statistics

Read the XpertHR guide to pay and salary survey data, including how XpertHR collects and analyses pay data.


Average earnings - latest figures

We update the XpertHR economic indicators pages with the latest monthly average earnings figures on the same day they are released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Inflation - latest figures

We update the XpertHR economic indicators pages with the latest monthly inflation figures on the same day they are released by the ONS.

Latest labour market statistics

We update the XpertHR economic indicators pages with the latest statistics on unemployment, working hours and labour disputes on the same day they are released by the ONS.


Forecasts for 2013: average earnings

Every month, XpertHR updates a table of earnings forecasts published by City and other economic forecasters.

These previously appeared on the datafile page, which has been discontinued but is archived here.

Forecasts for 2013: inflation

Every month, XpertHR updates a table of inflation forecasts published by City and other economic forecasters.

These previously appeared on the datafile page, which has been discontinued but is archived here.

Forecasts from HM Treasury and other bodies

Each month, the Treasury produces its own compilation of independent forecasts. Our forecasts table includes the headlines from this publication, alongside quarterly forecasts on pay and employment from Manpower and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

The XpertHR economic indicators section also contains the highlights of the latest business surveys from the CBI.


Benchmarking information on pay and benefits

The XpertHR Benchmarking service includes datasets on graduate starting salaries, benefits, allowances, bonuses and a wealth of other information.

Official data on pay levels by occupation, sector, region and gender

In November each year, we update the XpertHR official figures pages with the latest data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings published by the ONS.

Salary survey data

XpertHR Salary Surveys provides access to top quality market pay data for customers who have participated in and subscribe to the relevant survey. The job pricing tool allows you to check pay rates and carry out a full-scale pay and benefits review using our comprehensive reports.