Employment law cases

Pay levels and awards categories

All items: Pay levels and awards

  • Case round-up

    1 February 2011

    Tori O'Neil, associate, and Judith Harris, legal director, at Addleshaw Goddard detail the latest rulings.

  • TUPE: Transferee not bound by transferor's post-transfer pay agreement

    13 April 2010

    In Parkwood Leisure Ltd v Alemo-Herron and others [2010] EWCA Civ 24 CA, the Court of Appeal held that, where the transfer of an undertaking occurs, and the transferring employees' contracts contain a clause referring to a collective agreement between the transferor and the relevant union, the transferee is not obliged to recognise wage increases agreed by the transferor and the union after the transfer has occurred resulting from negotiations to which the transferee was not a party.

  • Contracts of employment: Express variation provision allowed employer to impose new pay arrangements without consent

    13 April 2010

    In Bateman and others v Asda Stores Ltd EAT/0221/09, the EAT held that the employer was entitled to change its employees' pay arrangements without their consent because it had reserved a clear contractual right to make unilateral variations to their terms and conditions of employment.

  • Smith v Oxfordshire Learning Disability NHS Trust

    9 December 2009

    The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that a sleep-in payment was not an allowance for the purpose of the national minimum wage. Therefore it should not be excluded from the calculation of the hourly rate paid by the employer.

  • Hamilton House Medical Ltd v Hillier

    30 November 2009

    The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that the national minimum wage relates to a worker's basic rate of pay, even if he or she normally works only at night at an enhanced rate.

  • Case of the week: Working time

    28 October 2008

    This week's case of the week, provided by DLA Piper, covers working time.

  • Burrow Down Support Services Ltd v Rossiter

    17 July 2008

    The Employment Appeal Tribunal has upheld an employment tribunal decision that an employee who was allowed to sleep for much of his shift, but had to deal with anything untoward that might arise, was entitled to be paid the national minimum wage for the whole shift.

  • Her Majesty's Commissioners for Revenue & Customs v Rinaldi-Tranter

    27 November 2007

    The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that a trainee in the second year of a learning agreement was entitled to the national minimum wage.

  • James v Redcats (Brands) Ltd

    11 April 2007

    In James v Redcats (Brands) Ltd [2007] IRLR 296 EAT, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has given guidance on the definition of a worker under the national minimum wage legislation.

  • Leisure Employment Services Ltd v Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs

    27 February 2007

    In Leisure Employment Services Ltd v Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs [2007] IRLR 450 CA, the Court of Appeal has held that sums deducted from the pay of workers living in employer-provided accommodation to offset the cost of utility bills can not be counted as part of their wages for the purposes of establishing if they are receiving the minimum wage.

About this category

Employment law cases: HR and legal information and guidance relating to pay levels and awards.