Pre-Budget Report 2008: gambling on economic recovery?

We look at chancellor Alistair Darling's second Pre-Budget Report, focusing on the package of economic measures designed to counter the impact of the downturn. 

With its massive increases in public spending, to be funded in part by deferred tax increases, the report could be viewed as an "all or nothing" gamble aimed at rebuilding economic performance. 

  • Pre-Budget Report 2008: gambling on economic recovery? IRS Pay and Benefits Bulletin looks in detail at the pre-Budget report 2008, focusing on what it has to say about the state of the economy, public spending and taxes and benefits. IRS also rounds up official reactions to the report. 


Pre-Budget Report (PDF format, 1.67MB) Download the complete text of the pre-Budget report, from the HM Treasury website. 

Pre-Budget Report 2008: key points for HR XpertHR looks at the key points of interest to HR practitioners. 

Pre-Budget Report 2008 - the speech Read IRS Pay and Benefits Bulletin editor Sheila Attwood's blog post on the report. 

Budget 2008: key changes from April 2008 From IRS Pay and Benefits Bulletin. 

Economic outlook: Falling inflation and slow growth IRS examines the current widespread economic uncertainty and the ongoing deterioration of credit conditions, and look at forecasts for the key economic indicators of interest to pay setters.