Take part in our pay and grading structures survey

XpertHR is investigating the pay and grading structures used by organisations and would like to request your assistance with our research.

Take part in our grading structures survey

Completing this brief survey will entitle you to:

  • a complimentary copy of our findings once we have completed our analysis; and
  • a free copy of the XpertHR guide on how to select, devise and use a job evaluation scheme.

In addition, all those respondents whose data can be used in XpertHR survey analyses will be entered into a draw for the chance to win one of four £250 prizes.

The survey closes on 20 July 2015.

If you have any queries about this confidential research, please do not hesitate to contact Rachel Sharp on 020 8652 2271 (direct line).

Prize draw terms and conditions: Respondents whose data can be used in XpertHR survey analyses will be entered into the prize draw, which will take place w/c 25 January 2016. The closing date for entry is 31 December 2015. There are four prizes of £250 each and the winners will be notified by email during w/c 25 January 2016.