Pay Intelligence June 2008: Pay awards stay firmly below inflation, at 3.3%

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On this page: Pay Intelligence is a regularly updated online resource, bringing together links to the latest pay settlement analysis and economic indicators from across the IRS and XpertHR portfolio, providing everything you need to keep track of pay trends.


Summary of key pay data:

IRS headline measure of pay settlements: 3.3% in the three months to 31 May 2008

Release date: 27 June 2008

Next release date: 25 July 2008

Summary: The median basic pay award rose to 3.3% for the three months to 31 May 2008, according to the latest IRS analysis of pay trends - the largest survey of its kind.


Once a month, the latest pay trends analysis from IRS appears here, alongside links to the latest inflation and earnings data. Twice a month, we update both the economic forecasts collected by IRS and the pay review update table containing summaries of the latest pay settlements.


Pay Intelligence archive Access previous editions of IRS Pay Intelligence.

Pay review update archive Run this saved search to access the complete archive of IRS pay review update articles on XpertHR, presenting summaries of some of the pay settlements from the IRS pay databank.

Datafile archive Run this saved search to access the complete archive of IRS datafile articles on XpertHR, presenting summaries of pay settlement statistics from IRS and other pay commentators, plus inflation and earnings forecasts collected by IRS.

Economic indicators XpertHR allows you to browse all the latest economic and labour market statistics, such as inflation, earnings, unemployment and working hours.

Official figures Pay specialists at IRS and XpertHR present their in-depth analysis of the 2006 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) from the Office for National Statistics, which provides the most comprehensive and precise available snapshot of UK earnings data.