Training archive 2010

Welcome to the Training 2010 online editions archive page. From here you can browse 2010 issues of emails. To view an email, click one of the links below. To return to this page, simply hit the back button on your browser.

3 November 2010
Induction - a wasted opportunity, what makes induction a success?, how
the British Library's diversity training enhanced customer service,
Government consults on future of study or training requests, weekly
dilemma: requests in relation to study or training

8 September 2010
How e-learning can boost sales and improve employee retention, managing
change survey 2010: training and skills, using competencies in HR
practices: the 2010 survey, benchmarking competencies: the 2010 survey,
Government consults on future of study or training requests

7 July 2010
Branded management training at Ideal Standard, Metropolitan Police
cuts stress-related sickness absence, pre-retirement support offered by
employers, study or training requests: case study, study or training
requests: procedure, study or training requests: FAQs

5 May 2010
IRS line manager training survey 2010: HR wants compulsory training, IRS
line manager training survey 2010: how to get results, stress management
training: the 2010 IRS survey, the right to make a request in relation to study
or training, new rules giving the right to request time off for training

3 March 2010
Right to request time off to train leaves employers unperturbed,
Government confirms right to request time off for training, evaluation
of training: the IRS 2010 survey, coaching brings success to
creative teacher development project